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Environmental Challenges, Policy and Politics

Environmental challenges call for policy action. Advancing green agendas requires political support for parties proposing environmental platforms. This workshop brings together policy makers and researchers investigating these issues from different perspectives.

Aula 07, Via Bocconi 8 (ex SDA)
A Beast Unknown? The EU between sovereignty and recovery

With Dr Maria Antonia Panascì (Post-Doctoral researcher BLEST)

Room 1.C3-01, Via Röntgen 1, Milan
Experimentalist Competition Law and the Regulation of Markets

Book presentation with author Yane Svetiev, University of Sydney School of Law and EUI

On line event
The effects of Covid-relief measures on banks and borrowers
Bocconi University
Quo vadis EU (law)?
On line event
"Making sense of constitutional chaos?" The Polish Constitutional Tribunal ruling and the EU
On line event
Inside the Polish constitutional crisis
Wojciech Sadurski, Challis Professor of Jurisprudence, The University of Sydney
On line event
Institutional Investors and ESG
Lecture Professor April Klein - Professor of Accounting at New York University
Shaping Politics in the EU
Erik Longo, Florence University, Catherine De Vries, Bocconi University, NIcola Lupo, LUISS University, Crisitina Fasone, LUISS University
Online Event
Recovery Fund: Legal Challanges and Opportunities for the Future of the EU
Prof. Päivi Leino-Sandberg, University of Helsinki, Chair in Transnational European Law