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Master and UG students
Adele is a law student at Bocconi University who is aiming to specialize in Constitutional and European law. Infact her field of interest focuses on how European integration impacts on human rights of European citizens. Moreover Adele is keen on pers ...
Alessandro is a fourth year law student at Bocconi university, he would like to go deeper into European Union and human rights’ defence topics. He is passionate of art, literature and travelling, indispensable elements for him to enrich his own knowl ...
Alessia is a law student at Bocconi University, and she is is aiming at specializing in the field of European Union law and international law.  Furthermore, she has progressively become passionate about fundamental human rights, indeed she stron ...
Alfonso is a fourth-year law student at Bocconi University. From the beginning of his studies he has been strongly interested in International law, with a  special focus in the protection of human rights. He is also very keen on politics and for ...
Alice is a Law student at Bocconi University, her main interests are International and Business Law. She’s interested in Human Rights, and she has increasingly taken part in pertinent activities. Alice’s goal is to pursue a career in these fields. P ...
Allyson is a third-year law student at Bocconi University. She has progressively become passionate about European and international law, fundamental human rights, and has increased her participation in related activities and projects. Her goal is to ...
Anna is a Bocconi graduate student in GIO. She is Russian-Ukrainian (she grew up in Moscow but one part of my family is Ukrainian) so the war touched her and her family very closely. She is participating in versatile charitable initiatives and she is ...
Antonio Maria is a law student at Bocconi University. He is particularly interested in Criminal Law and European Law and he is currently a volunteer in the field of immigration law. Moreover, he is very keen on politics and journalism.
Arianna is a fifth-year law student at Bocconi University. She is passionate about human rights, European and international law, and she would like to pursue a career in these fields. She is also keen on foreign aff ...
Beatrice is enrolled in the third academic year of Master’s Degree in Law at "Luigi Bocconi" University and also she is currently attending the second academic year of the Bassoon course at "Luisa D'Annunzio" Conservatory in Pescara. She is intereste ...
Beniamino is a fourth-year law student, with a preference for the commercial world and corporate liability. However, he is very interested in administrative and geopolitical issues, hoping to be able to help as much as possible those in difficulty.
Studentessa al terzo anno di Giurisprudenza all'Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, ha intrapreso questo percorso orientata a lavorare in un futuro per la tutela dei diritti umani, con un'impronta europeistica e internazionale. Il suo obiettivo è q ...
Camilla is a Law student at Bocconi University. She is particularly interested in International law and human rights, IP law and Antitrust law. She has thoroughly studied these topics during her exchange program at the Chinese University of Hong Kong ...
Claudia Poggi is a 4th year law student at Bocconi University. She is interested in European Union Law and Business Law, and she would like to pursue a career in these fields. She is also keen on theatre, art history and travelling.
Cristiano is strongly passionate about the international dimension of law, especially at the European level. After numerous experiences in Europe and Asia, he has developed a special interest in the European integration project in all its forms: from ...
Alumnus Bocconi interessato alle tematiche delle politiche pubbliche, delle relazioni internazionali e del diritto europeo. Fervente sostenitore del progetto federalista europeo, si impegna a dare un contributo attivo affinché si realizzi.
Elisa is a fourth-year law student, her main focuses are on international law and the protection of human rights. She believea that it’s fundamental to be part of the change in this world.
Elisa is a law student at Bocconi University. Her main interests are European Union law, international law and human rights, and she wishes to pursue a career in either one of those fields. Part of the Legal clinic UASI
Federica is Ph.D. Student in Legal Studies, Curriculum in International and European Law, at Bocconi University. Her research interest is in data protection, AI, and fundamental rights. Particularly, she focuses on policy aspects related to biometric ...
Federico is a fourth-year law student at Bocconi University. His main academic interests include criminal law and criminal procedure, especially economic criminal law, corporate criminal liability and organized crime. He is also passionate about pol ...
Federico is a 4th year law student at Bocconi University. He is highly interested in European Union law and criminal law, and through the past years he has developed a strong passion for environmental and climate justice issues and activism. He ...
Filippo is a third-year law student at Bocconi University. His main interests are European Union Law, IT Law and Comparative Law. Therefore, he is trying to specialize in those fields in which he wishes to pursue a career in the future.
Filomena graduated in law on April 2022. She aspire to become an active part of the EU system. Currently, she is enrolled in the LLM “European Business and Social Law” at Bocconi University. She is passionate about European and international law. In ...
Francesco is currently attending the Law degree course at Bocconi University. His main academic interests include Western legal history, European internal market and EU economic constitution, while maintaining a strong curiosity towards the social an ...
Gabriele Cuomo is a law student at Bocconi University. Gabriele’s main fields of interest are European Union law and constitutional law. He is an Article Editor of Bocconi Legal Papers, the official law review of Bocconi University. He is also intere ...
Gaia is a law student at Bocconi University who is aiming to specialize in the field of European and International law. Infact, Gaia’s field of interest focuses on the European Union integration, political science and human rights and how those are a ...
Giulia is attending the last year of the Bachelor degree in Economics and Management at Bocconi University. She is looking forward to giving her contribution and help through this project, given the fact that she has always cared about human rights' ...
Ilaria Mezzacasa is a Law student at Bocconi University. Her main fields of interest are: European Union law, IT Law and IP Law.  Moreover, she is keen on geopolitics, travels, languages and photography. Part of the Legal clinic UASI &nb ...
Kevin is currently a fourth-year law student at Bocconi University. Over time, he has developed interest in fields involving protection of human rights and sociopolitical themes. Not by chance, he is actively part of Bocconi's Legal Clinic which oper ...
Leila is a third year law student at Bocconi University. The fields of law that fascinates her most are European Union law and intellectual property law, and she would like to specialize in one of these areas in the future. Furthermore, she has alway ...