Room 3-B3-SR01
The impossible centralisation: the struggles of economic policy coordination in the EEC, 1957-1992
Room 2-E4-SR03
The impact of the war in Ukraine on the EU migration policy: focus on temporary protection
Law and Culture in Europe
“In difference we trust”. The intercultural foundations of European law
Europe: A state of mind beyond cultures and identities
Room 3-E4-SR03, Roentgen Building
The War in Ukraine and International Law: Where Are We Now?
Room 3-B3-SR01
The protection of Women's rights in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights' case law
About Time: the foundational narratives of European Community
Mr. Europe. Rubens and the roots of European modernity
Seminar room 3-B3-SR01, Roentgen building
Intergovernmentalism in the Context of EU Crises and Reform Processes